Attosecond Science Research Team
Team Leader
Katsumi Midorikawa

wtakiko [at]
Attosecond Science Research Team,
RIKEN Center for Advanced Photonics
2-1 Hirosawa, Wako, Saitama 351-0198 Japan
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Laboratory Website
Attosecond Science Research Team
Laboratory on RIKEN Website
Attosecond Science Research Team | RIKEN
Nonlinear optical process in the XUV region is of paramount importance not only in the field of quantum electronic but also in ultrafast optics. From the viewpoint of quantum electronics, new features of the interaction between intense XUV photons and matters are expected to be revealed through observation of those nonlinear phenomena. On the other hand, those nonlinear processes in the XUV region is indispensable for progress of attosecond science including attosecond atomic/molecular physics and chemistry, because it is very useful for investigating ultrafast phenomena directly in attosecond time scale. Using high harmonic generation by intense femtosecond laser technology, we are pursuing extreme optical science including XUV nonlinear optics and attosecond physics/chemistry.
Interdisciplinary Science and Engineering, Physics, Engineering, Chemistry
Attosecond Science, Ultrafast Lasers, Strong Field Physics, Nonlinear Optics、Multiphoton Microscopy
- Generation and measurement of attosecond pulses
- Attosecond dynamics in atoms and molecules
- XUV nonlinear optics
- Ultrashort intense laseers
- Multiphoton microscopy

Autocorrelation waveform of attosecond pulse train measured with carbon ion yield from acetylene.
Selected Publications
- Lin, Y-C., Midorikawa, K., Nabekawa, Y.: “Wavefront control of subcycle vortex pulses via carrier-envelop-phase tailoring” , Light: Sci. & Appl. 12, 279 (2023).
- Midorikawa, K.: “Progress on table-top isolated attosecond light sources” , Nature Photonics 16, 267 (2022).
- Matsubara, T., Fukahori, S., Lötstedt, E., Nabekawa, Y., Yamanouchi, K., and Midorikawa, K.: “300 attosecond response of acetylene in two-photonionization/dissociation processes” , Optica 8, 1075 (2021).
- Lin, Y-C., Nabekawa, Y., and Midorikawa, K.: “Optical parametric amplification of sub-cycle shortwave infrared pulses” , Nat. Commun. 11, 3413 (2020).
- Xue, B., Tamaru, Y., Yuan, H., Lan, P., Mücke, O. D., Suda, A., Midorikawa, K., and Takahashi, E. J.: “Fully stabilized multi-TW optical waveform synthesizer: Toward gigawatt isolated attosecond pulses” , Science Advances 6, eaay2820 (2020).
Katsumi Midorikawa | Team Leader |
Yasuo Nabekawa | Senior Research Scientist |
Yutaka Nagata | Senior Research Scientist |
Keisuke Isobe | Senior Scientist |
Tomoya Okino | Research Scientist |
Takashige Fujiwara | Research Scientist |
Yu-Chieh Lin | Research Scientist |
Kaoru Yamazaki | Research Scientist |
Tohru Kobayashi | Special Temporary Employee |
Takiko Wakabayashi | Special Temporary Employee |