Event Outline
Date | Dec. 20 - 21, 2022 |
Venue | Suzuki Umetaro Hall, Wako Campus, RIKEN & Online (Zoom) |
Registration | Please register on the link below. |
Contact | rap-symp_2022 [at] ml.riken.jp |
Attendance fee | Participation is free! |
More Infomation | The 10th RAP Symposium - The New Optical Science in Post-Corona Era - [PDF , 1 MB] |
*Symposium format is subject to change depending on the spread of infection of COVID-19.
This symposium will take place on-site in principle. You can also participate online.
Poster presentations: On-site only
Registration Deadline: Dec.12(Mon), 2022
The 10th RAP Symposium
Venue: Suzuki Umetaro Hall, Wako Campus, RIKEN & Online (Zoom)
Dates: Dec .20(Tue) – Dec .21(Wed), 2022
Organizer: RIKEN Center for Advanced Photonics (RAP)
Supported: The Japan Society of Applied Physics, Terahertz Technology Forum, Japan Society for Cell Biology, The Biophysical Society of Japan, The Japanese Society for Neutron Science, Bioimaging Society, The Japanese Society for Non-Destructive Inspection, The Physical Society of Japan, The Optical Society of Japan, The Spectroscopical Society of Japan, The Fullerenes, Nanotubes and Graphene Research Society, Japan society for Molecular Science, The Laser Society of Japan, The Japan Society for Laser Microscopy
Tuesday, 20th, December, 2022
10:00-10:10 Opening remarks
10:10-10:30 O-01 Yasuo Nabekawa (Attosecond Science Research Team, RAP)
Control of Atoms and Molecules Using XUV Attosecond Pulse Pairs
10:30-10:50 O-02 Korenobu Matsuzaki (Ultrafast Spectroscopy Research Team, RAP)
Transient two-dimensional electronic spectroscopy reveals the inhomogeneity of solvated electrons
10:50-11:10 O-03 Shota Yo (Space-Time Engineering Research Team, RAP)
Development of compact optical lattice clocks for geodetic applications
11:10-11:30 - break –
11:30-12:10 Invited talk 1
Masahiko Demura (Director, National Institute for Materials Science (NIMS))
Materials design from desired performance – Inverse analysis with Mint
12:10-13:00 – lunch –
13:00-15:00 Poster Session 2F-3F, Bioscience Bldg.
15:00-15:40 Invited talk 2
Takeharu Nagai (Distinguished Professor, The Institute of Scientific & Industrial Research, Osaka University)
Automated trans-scale scope opens up a new horizons
15:40-16:00 O-04 Daiki Yamashita (Quantum Optoelectronics Research Team, RAP)
Quantization of mode shifts in nanocavities integrated with atomically thin sheets
16:00-16:20 O-05 Eiji Takahashi (Ultrafast Coherent Soft X-ray Photonics Research Team, RAP)
Generation of an intense single-cycle pulse
16:20-16:40 - break –
16:40-17:00 O-06 Yuya Morimoto (Ultrashort Electron Beam Science RIKEN Hakubi Research Team, RAP)
Progress report – one year after the launch
17:00-17:40 Invited talk 3
Kaoru Minoshima (Professor, Vice-President, The University of Electro-Communications (UEC))
Versatile control and manipulation of light with optical frequency combs and its applications
Wednesday, 21st, December, 2022
9:15- 9:20 Greetings from Executive Director
9:20- 9:40 O-07 Masaki Yumoto (Photonics Control Technology Team, RAP)
Broadband mid-infrared generation via intracavity difference-frequency mixing in Cr:Ⅱ-Ⅵ lasers
9:40-10:00 O-08 Hiroyoshi Aoki (Ultrahigh Precision Optics Technology Team, RAP)
Agarose gel microcapsules enable easy-to-prepare, picolitre-scale, single cell genomics
10:00-10:40 Invited talk 4
Rikiya Watanabe (Chief Scientist, Molecular Physiology Laboratory, CPR, RIKEN)
Rapid diagnostic platform for SARS-CoV-2 based on single molecule analysis
10:40-11:00 - break –
11:00-11:20 O-09 Yasuo Wakabayashi (Neutron Beam Technology Team, RAP)
Non-destructive testing for chloride attack on concrete bridges by neutron salt-meter “RANS-μ” used with a bridge inspection vehicle
11:20-11:40 O-10 Masahiro Takeda (Advanced Manufacturing Support Team, RAP)
Ultrahigh precision grinding of silicon single crystal for fundamental physics experiment using neutron
11:40-12:00 O-11 Hiroaki Minamide (Tera-Photonics Research Team, RAP)
Advanced Terahertz-wave science and technology toward next generation non-destructive testing
12:00-13:00 - lunch –
13:00-13:40 Invited talk 5
Yoshiki Kohmura (Team Leade, RIKEN SPring-8 Center)
Microfabrication Technologies using Spatially Controlled X-ray Wavefields and Element Specificity” And “X-ray three-dimensional imaging using Ultra-thin Laminar Light
13:40-14:00 O-12 Chiko Otani (Terahertz Sensing and Imaging Research Team, RAP)
Development of thin-film superconducting microwave resonator with high quality factor
14:00-14:20 O-13 Li Wang (Terahertz Quantum Device Research Team, RAP)
Recent experimental progressing of high-temperature terahertz quantum cascade lasers
14:20-14:40 – break –
14:40-15:20 Invited talk 6
Susumu Noda (Professor, Kyoto University)
Progress of Photonic-Crystal Surface-Emitting Lasers (PCSELs)
15:20-15:40 O-14 Takuro Tojima (Live Cell Super-Resolution Imaging Research Team, RAP)
Spatiotemporal dynamics of membrane traffic revealed by high-speed and super-resolution imaging
15:40-16:00 O-15 Atsushi Miyawaki (Biotechnological Optics Research Team, RAP)
Cruising inside cells
16:00-16:20 - break –
16:20-16:40 O-16 Hideo Yokota (Image Processing Research Team, RAP)
Development of Numerical Analysis Method by 3D Microstructure Observation and Image Processing for Materials Development
16:40-17:00 O-17 Takashi Takeuchi (Innovative Photon Manipulation Research Team, RAP)
Development and Applications of Hybrid Simulation on Light- and Material-Science – A Challenge to “Quantum” Metamaterials –
17:00-17:20 O-18 Kotaro Obata (Advanced Laser Processing Research Team, RAP)
Formation of two-dimensional nano-periodic structure on silicon surface by GHz burst-mode femtosecond laser pulses
17:20-17:30 Closing remarks
*Please note that this program is subject to change without notice.