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The 9th RAP Symposium

Poster of the 9th RAP Symposium

Event Outline

Event Outline
Date Feb. 28 - Mar. 1, 2022
Venue ONLINE (Zoom Meeting)

Deadline: 17:00, Monday, February 21, 2022

Contact rap-symp_2021 [at] ml.riken.jp
Attendance fee


More Infomation The 9th RAP Symposium [PDF , 631 KB]


The 9th RAP Symposium

– Extreme photonics for the future of optical science –


ONLINE (Zoom Meeting)


Date and Time: 

13:00-17:35, Monday, 28th, February, 2022

10:00-17:30, Tuesday, 1st, March, 2022


Organizer:  RIKEN Center for Advanced Photonics (RAP)

Supported:  The Japan Society of Applied Physics, Terahertz Technology Forum, Japan Society for Cell Biology, The Biophysical Society of Japan, The Japanese Society for Neutron Science, Bioimaging Society, The Optical Society of Japan, The Japanese Society for Non-Destructive Inspection, The Physical Society of Japan, The Spectroscopical Society of Japan, The Fullerenes, Nanotubes and Graphene Research Society, Japan Society for Molecular Science, The Laser Society of Japan, The Japan Society for Laser Microscopy



Monday, 28th, February, 2022

13:00-13:05|Opening Remarks

Katsumi MIDORIKAWA, Director, RAP

13:05-13:10| Welcome Address from RIKEN

Hidetoshi KODERA, Executive Director, RIKEN

13:10-14:00|S-1  Special Lecture
Expectation for Photonics and Quantum Technology to Realize Society 5.0

Makoto GONOKAMI, Professor, Graduate School of Science, The University of Tokyo

Optical Up-Conversion-Based Detection and Cross-Correlation of Sub-Nanosecond Terahertz-Wave Pulses

Yuma TAKIDA, Tera-Photonics Research Team, RAP

Hot Carrier Dynamics and Electron-Phonon Coupling in Photoexcited Graphene Investigated by Time-Resolved Terahertz Spectroscopy

Masatsugu YAMASHITA, Terahertz Sensing and Imaging Research Team, RAP

High-Temperature Operating Terahertz Quantum Cascade Lasers Based on The Design Employing Indirect Pumping and Simple Quantum Structures

Li WANG, Terahertz Quantum Device Research Team, RAP


15:00-15:20 Break


15:20-15:55|I-1  Invited Lecture
Creation of terahertz plasmonic devices and their applications to the next-generation beyond-5G wireless communications

Taiichi OTSUJI, Professor, Research Institute of Electrical Communication, Tohoku University

Carrier-Envelope Phase Control of Synthesized Waveforms with Two Acousto-Optic Programmable Dispersive Filters

Yu-chieh LIN, Attosecond Science Research Team, RAP

Development of Optical Lattice Clocks for Practical Application

Masao TAKAMOTO, Space-Time Engineering Research Team, RAP

The Molecular Origin of Multiphasic Ultrafast Dynamics in the Primary Event of Microbial Rhodopsins

Chun-Fu CHANG, Molecular Spectroscopy Laboratory, RAP

Formation of Organic Color Centers in Air-Suspended Carbon Nanotubes Using Vapor-Phase Reaction

Daichi KOZAWA, Quantum Optoelectronics Research Team, RAP

Launch of a New Team and Our Future Directions

Yuya MORIMOTO, Ultrashort Electron Beam Science RIKEN Hakubi Research Team, RAP

17:35 (Session End)

Tuesday, 1st, March, 2022

10:00-10:50|S-2  Special Lecture
Challenge of cutting-edge photonic technologies toward IOWN (Innovative Optical and Wireless Network) era

Tetsuomi SOGAWA, Senior Vice President, Director of NTT Science and Core Technology Laboratory Group

Laser Induced Thrust for Space Debris Removal

Satoshi WADA, Photonics Control Technology Team, RAP

Stress Measurements via Neutron Diffraction at Compact Accelerator-Based Neutron Source RANS

Chihiro IWAMOTO, Neutron Beam Technology Team, RAP

Local Spatial Distribution and Enormous Red Shift of Molecularly-Oriented Near-Infrared Absorbing J-Aggregates

Tetsuya AOYAMA, Ultrahigh Precision Optics Technology Team, RAP

Introduction of Laboratory Equipment Development Cases in Advanced Manufacturing Support Team

Masaharu WATANUKI, Advanced Manufacturing Support Team, RAP

12:10-13:10 Lunch Break


13:10-15:10|Short Presentation Session


15:10-15:45|I-2  Invited Lecture
Development of halide perovskite semiconductors for high efficiency and high voltage output in photovoltaic performance

Tsutomu MIYASAKA, Professor, Faculty of Biomedical Engineering, Toin University of Yokohama

Beyond the Diffraction-Limit, Super-Resolution Confocal Live Imaging Microscopy (SCLIM) Reveals New Aspects of Membrane Trafficking Pathway

Natsuko JIN, Live Cell Super-Resolution Imaging Research Team, RAP

Retinoic Acid Distributions in the Mammalian Embryo

Satoshi SHIMOZONO, Laboratory for Cell Function Dynamics, RAP

Visual Saliency Guided Image Compression for Telepresence Robotics System

Zhe SUN, Image Processing Research Team, RAP

High Aspect Ratio Plasmonic Structures for Gas Sensor

Cheng-Hung CHU, Innovative Photon Manipulation Research Team, RAP

Micro/Nano Fabrication by GHz Burst-Mode Femtosecond Laser Pulses

Kotaro OBATA, Advanced Laser Processing Research Team, RAP

17:25-17:30| Closing Remarks

Katsumi MIDORIKAWA, Director, RAP


Short Presentation Session

13:10-15:10, Tuesday, 1st, March, 2022


P-1  後進波パラメトリック過程によるサブテラヘルツ光のアップコンバージョン検出

野竹 孝志(テラヘルツ光源研究チーム)

P-2  バックワード・テラヘルツ波パラメトリック発振を用いた非破壊イメージング

縄田 耕二(テラヘルツ光源研究チーム)

P-3  300 GHz帯テラヘルツボディスキャナ開発の進展

佐々木 芳彰(テラヘルツイメージング研究チーム)

P-4  細胞内蛋白質に対するテラヘルツ光照射影響

保科 宏道(テラヘルツイメージング研究チーム)

P-5  Study on High Power High Beam Quality Surface Emission THz-QCL

Chen Mingxi(テラヘルツ量子素子研究チーム)

P-6  Doping Study for High-Performance Terahertz Quantum Cascade Lasers

三好 哲平(テラヘルツ量子素子研究チーム)

P-7  超高速磁性体プローブ光を目指した円偏光高次高調波発生

西村 光太郎(アト秒科学研究チーム)

P-8  多光子パターン照明の高分解能化とその応用

石川 智啓(アト秒科学研究チーム)

P-9  Complete Picture of Vibrational Relaxation of OH Stretch at the Air/H2O Interface: A TR-HD-VSFG Study

Woongmo SUNG(超高速分子計測研究チーム)

P-10  Mechanism of Vibrational Relaxation of Free OH/OD Groups at the Water Surface Revealed by Time-Resolved Heterodyne-Detected Vibrational Sum Frequency Generation Spectroscopy

Ahmed MOHAMMED(超高速分子計測研究チーム)

P-11  原子核時計実現にむけたトリウムイオンのトラップ

山口 敦史(時空間エンジニアリング研究チーム)

P-12  小型光格子時計物理パッケージの開発

楊 暁達(時空間エンジニアリング研究チーム)

P-13  Waveguide coupled cavity-enhanced light emission from individual carbon nanotubes

山下 大喜(量子オプトエレクトロニクス研究チーム)

P-14  Nonlinear Photonics in Ultrahigh-Q Optical Microresonators

藤井 瞬(量子オプトエレクトロニクス研究チーム)

P-15  Electron Beam Tomography of Few-Cycle Optical Waveforms

森本 裕也(超短パルス電子線科学理研白眉研究チーム)

P-16  Optical measurement of droplet diffusion and particle size

村上 武晴(光量子制御技術開発チーム)

P-17  Novel Gratings for Astronomical Observations and Space Applications

海老塚 昇(先端光学素子開発チーム)

P-18  Development of a two color imaging system in soft X-ray and visible light using reflective optics

江川 悟(先端光学素子開発チーム)

P-19  三台の理研小型中性子源

竹谷 篤(中性子ビーム技術開発チーム)

P-20  三台の理研小型中性子源による計測技術開発

高村 正人(中性子ビーム技術開発チーム)

P-21  HeLa 細胞トランスゴルジ網上におけるアダプタータンパク質の局在

山本 航(生細胞超解像イメージング研究チーム)

P-22  高速超解像顕微鏡によるゴルジ体槽成熟の時空間解析

戸島 拓郎(生細胞超解像イメージング研究チーム)

P-23  超高速顕微鏡による微細藻類の運動解析

河野 弘幸(生命光学技術研究チーム)

P-24  COCOON: 認知運動機能改善に向けたモデル生物の表現型・遺伝情報解析

太田 聡史(画像情報処理研究チーム)

P-25  鉄鋼組織中の島状マルテンサイトの3 次元形状評価

山下 典理男(画像情報処理研究チーム)

P-26  Characterization of Monolayer Graphene Nanowrinkles Via Tip-Enhanced Raman
Spectroscopy in Ambient

Maria Vanessa Balois-Oguchi(フォトン操作機能研究チーム)

P-27  Chiral optical properties of chiral metal nanostructures

橋谷田 俊(フォトン操作機能研究チーム)

P-28  Hybrid femtosecond laser processing of microfluidic SERS chip for ultrasensitive sensing

Shi BAI(先端レーザー加工研究チーム)

Seeking a Research Scientist (W24276)The webpage will open in a new tab.
Ultrafast Coherent Soft X-ray Photonics Research Team
Seeking Research Scientists or Postdoctoral Researchers (W24207)The webpage will open in a new tab.
Tera-Photonics Research Team
Seeking a Postdoctoral Researcher (W24020)The webpage will open in a new tab.
Ultrashort Electron Beam Science RIKEN Hakubi Research Team